Saturday, December 12, 2009

Russian Weddings

Any time I walk down the English Embankment on a weekend, I can count on a wedding at the Wedding Palace. Today was no exception. On my way to Tandoor, one of the two Indian restaurants near St. Isaac's, I passed one wedding and bumped into another across the street from the Bronze Horseman. After they managed to cause an accident crossing the street, they headed towards the Horseman himself. In the little plaza around the statue, along with Peter and Catherine,* a pair of buskers** were waiting; as the party approached, they struck up the wedding march on trumpet and banjo, and from there segued into a rather eclectic mix of Russian tunes and western standards. The perfect coincidence of it all, never mind the music ringing out across the park, put a big smile on my face.

In other news, I had an enormous Indian lunch at Tandoor, left a fairly fat tip since I think I'll be going back, and bought tickets to The Nutcracker and an organ concert at the Mariinsky Theatre and the Mariinsky Theatre Concert Hall, respectively. Got the student rate on the tickets, which was a very pleasant surprise--the Nutcracker ticket alone would've cost more than the pair of them if I'd had to pay the foreigner rate.

* I think they're there every weekend. I was going to ask for a picture, but I didn't want to interfere with the wedding party. Next time.

** At least, I'm pretty sure they were buskers. They didn't have a case open that I could see, but I was giving the wedding party a wide berth. I don't figure anyone includes two old guys with a banjo and a trumpet in their actual wedding plans.

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